Why Are We All Searching For Meaning?

Most of my clients are searching. In parts, they are searching for answers to the same question: how can I find work that is meaningful? The whole world is searching for meaning and purpose. The way we have designed modern work has detached us from meaning, from community, from doing good. Our work often feels like it doesn't matter. It may matter for our wallet, but does it really matter?

What we are searching for is a feeling. That feeling that what we spend our time and energy with makes sense. For us. But also for something bigger than us. Meaningful work is more than just work to pay the bills. It's about community, doing good for the world, and having that feeling that it matters. Once people find that type of work, all makes sense. It doesn't necessarily mean all is well then, but it does light an inner fire. And at the same time it brings inner peace.

I have also learned that chasing meaning in work is only half the story. There is more to life than work and you can also create a deep sense of meaning outside of work, through personal projects, volunteering, connecting with a community you feel you belong to. That's good news for all the meaning seekers: if your current work is lacking meaning, or doesn't fill your cup of meaning completely, there is hope. Don't forget to look for meaning outside of work!

Here is what we can learn about meaning in life through the lens of Positive Psychology:

There is a difference in knowing your life's purpose and finding meaning in the moment.

Reality check: Most people don't know their life's purpose (yet?). Our lives and careers are so fragmented, often driven by either financial survival or seeking achievement and individual happiness, that the quest for deep purpose is often put off until later in life. The deep question about purpose in life tends to come back sometime during midlife. It's often a deep exploration, reflecting on shifting values, (re)defining concepts of legacy and success, learning and unlearning.

You may wonder, if I know my purpose in life? I feel I am getting closer, and have made much progress over the past few years. But do I know it? Can I articulate it? Not fully. And that's ok. Because I do have a great sense of meaning every day. This is because:

Meaning can also be found in the day-to-day.

Making time for that passion project that you always wanted to do. Rekindling your creative side. Following your love of learning. Maybe exploring your spirituality, whatever that means to you. And if you can, re-designing what you do as a professional, in your work. Personally, I find great meaning in my day-to-day as a coach, helping people in their career and life transitions and making sense of who they are in a changing world. I also find meaning in creating community for others to connect with and lean on each other, like Find Your Climate Career or the monthly Dublin Climate Dinner. Volunteering is often a big source of meaning. Giving back your expertise and knowledge to the community you are part of. Creating a community garden. Bringing people together. You know what I mean. That sort of thing.

Reflection prompts to ponder meaning in life

What gives me a sense of meaning in my day-to-day?

What would it take to align my career with meaningful work?

What is one thing I can do this week that feels meaningful?

What does Mother Nature know about meaning in life?

Sometimes we need to create a space to ponder life’s big questions. I create these spaces for people like you. If you feel called to work with a coach to find your answers to life’s big questions, let’s have a chat.

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