My Journey… so far
From Tech to Positive Psychology to Changemaking
I always had a deep fascination for the most important questions of all time, the one's that start with: WHY?
Why do we do things the way we do? Why do some people have their best ideas in groups, while others get creative on their own? Why do we sometimes lose hope, and how can we get it back?
Why does my well-paid job not make me happy?
And that last question bugged me for many, many years…
My journey in corporate
For about 20 years I held various customer-facing roles in the IT Industry. I was a Sales Person (yes, one of these annoying cold callers), a Partner Account Manager, a Customer Success Manager and a Project Manager. I dealt confidently with multi-million dollar customers and some of the most disruptive brands in the world.
It was exciting. There was always something to learn. There was always something that pushed me out of my comfort zone. There was always another promotion.
Higher, bigger, better.
Eventually, this started to become exhausting…
My journey in academia
In 2016 I decided to challenge myself differently and started my academic journey to get that Bachelor's degree I never finished. I treated this as a hobby, a side project fuelled by my curiosity and a need to do something for myself, stretch unused muscles in my brain, and go back to my roots and ask all the WHY's that I can think of.
The journey led me to become an accredited Coaching Psychologist and Positive Psychology Practitioner. Along the way, I have found a few answers to these why’s... And I have found more questions…
The answer?
Why does my well-paid job not make me happy?
Because it wasn’t aligned with my core values. It provided personal growth, but in areas that were not motivating to me anymore.
It didn’t play well to my strengths of honesty and authenticity - I became someone I thought I had to be, rather than being the person I am supposed to be.
So I signed up for one of the top-notch Master courses in Positive Psychology & Coaching in the world to help me uncover the HOW:
How to change my life and align it to who I want to be.
Becoming a Coach
I pulled in my strengths of Hope and Perseverance and started to build my own Coaching Business in the midst of the global pandemic.
I am a fully trained and accredited Positive Psychology Coach and Psychologist. My coaching practice has received the seal of approval from one of the leading bodies in the coaching industry, the European Mentoring and Coaching Council. Being an accredited Coach certifies that my practice is based on established coaching techniques. I follow an ethical code of practice and continuously work on my own professional and personal development.
I am still thriving for higher, bigger and better. As a result, I have been named one of the Top 15 Coaches in Dublin in 2022!
The difference is, I now do it out of a passion for learning and to bring learning to others.
And I have cut the bullshit.
What you get with me is coaching based on science.
I help you understand your WHY so that you can start building your HOW.
Does that resonate with you?
Accredited Senior Practitioner Coach with the European Mentoring and Coaching Council
Member of British Psychological Society and the Division of Coaching Psychology
Certified StrengthsProfile Coach with Cappfinity for Team Coaching and 1:1 Coaching